Category Archives: News Flash

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Men on a Mission/3 Strong

Men On a Mission

Nehemiah 4:14; “as I looked over the situation, I called together the leaders and the people and said to them, Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, Who is great and glorious and fight for your friends, your families and your homes.”


Men pointing men to Christ, leading them to a place of mobilizing and practicing an encouraging faith, a sharing faith and a working faith as they seek and discover personal vision from God.


Our mission is for men to come alongside men, empowered by the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the life of Christ through…

Practicing an Encouraging Faith:

  • Coming alongside the believer, practicing an encouraging faith in Christ through
    • Praying for and with each other
    • Reading and sharing God’s Word
    • Building and enjoying true friendship

Practicing a Sharing Faith:

  • Coming alongside the unbeliever, practicing a sharing faith in Christ through…
    • Building friendships right where we live, work and worship.

Practicing a Working Faith:

  • Coming alongside all men, practicing a working faith in Christ through…
    • Servanthood that demonstrates practical acts of kindness, meeting real needs.
1 Thessalonians 1: 3; “We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

3 Strong:

  • (triads of men)
    Ecclesiastes 4:9-10,12; “ But suppose the man who falls down doesn’t have anyone to help him up. Then feel sorry for him! One person could be over-powered. But two people can stand up for themselves. And a rope made out of three cords isn’t easily broken.”
  • Men coming alongside men, mobilizing and implementing God’s call to support and strengthen each other, standing strong in practicing an encouraging faith, sharing faith and working faith.
  • Developing new and deeper relationships as more men become involved in this ministry and are encouraged to create new triads of men.
  • Connecting every week via breakfast, phone call, coffee, etc.

Core Values

Right where we live, work and worship,
we will strive to:

  • Live a life of integrity and accountability before God and men,
  • Practice what we believe and say
  • Demonstrate the life and character of Christ at work in us.

“Oh Lord, What is Your Vision for My Life”, series

Choice greetings to all of you!

  I trust that God is working His specific purposes in your hearts and lives!  This series is open to anyone who desires to embark on this journey.

Foundational and Supporting Ingredients:

  1. We give ample opportunity to discuss, write down and or share what God is speaking into our hearts and lives in order to discover ways on “how to implement”.  Two reasons for this; 1) that you will benefit personally, 2) that those who hear what God is speaking into your life will be encouraged and deeper fellowship ensues.
  2. Time for specific prayer.
  3. The third component of seeking, discovering and implementing God’s specific vision for our lives is simply, “implementing” it.
    1. Although implementing God’s vision for your personal life right where you live and work is mostly between you and Him, my desire for this class is to form a network of friendships whereby your connection through prayer and fellowship with others will encourage and strengthen your ongoing journey.
    2. Coming alongside each other “as a team” and mobilizing in order to implement a specific mission that will bring the lost to Christ and strengthen the believer that is directed by the Holy Spirit, will bring glory to God! Therefore, I believe it is essential to the success of the purpose of your personal journey, this class and the Body of Christ to become the instrument through which God demonstrates His heart to others.

   Again, it would be a blessing to come and share this series with you!  My desire is that you will continue your journey of:

  1. Seeing what God sees for your life,
  2. Believing that what He says concerning your life, He also has the power to perform it in and through your life,
  3. Possessing the assurance or hope to endure,
  4. Acting upon His purposes for your life.

Finally, please pray for this series that hearts and lives will be ministered to in specific ways?   And please pray for Coming Alongside Ministries?  Thank you!  If you desire to invite us to share this series with you and/or with those you lead, please email me.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Coming Alongside you serving Him,

Daryl Rainbow
Coming Alongside Ministries

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16